Model Building Sessions

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East Greenbush Library, East Greenbush, New York, 2019

Dave Ware writes: On April 25, 2019 at the East Greenbush Library, a large meeting room was made available for kids to come and build Erector models again. They had five models to choose from: A windmill, rocking chair, large box truck, small box truck or a wheelbarrow. Tables were set up with a sample of one model on each table. Kits with all the parts and hardware were given out and the kids and parents had a great time making the models. In total, 21 models were made.

Thanks to Frank Usinski who provided me with extra parts so I could make more kits.

I again used the model that the kids could crank until it dumped a prize down a chute. To see this model, come to the 2019 National Convention in Akron, Ohio. The prizes were made by my wife Lynne. They were key chains with a wooden disc that had a nut on it and said “Erector Nut”.

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East Greenbush Library, East Greenbush, New York, 2018

Dave Ware writes: On December 1, 2018 at the East Greenbush Library in East Greenbush, New York, a large meeting room was made available for kids to come and build Erector models. They had five models to choose from: A windmill, elevator, large box truck, small box truck or wheelbarrow. Tables were set up with a sample of one model on each table. Kits with all the parts and hardware were given out and the kids and parents had a great time making the models. Twelve models were made. I plan to try this again in the fall. Thanks to Frank Usinski who provided me with extra parts so I could make more kits. I also made a model that the kids could crank until it dumped a prize down a chute. To see this model, come to the 2019 National Convention in Akron, Ohio.

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East Greenbush Library, East Greenbush, New York, 2013

Dave Ware writes: The East Greenbush Library provided a spacious room and on Saturday, October 8, 2013 from 2:30 to 4:30, boys and girls 7 and up were invited to try their hand at building models. Various kits were made up. Each kit included a large picture of the model. As each builder arrived, they were given a sheet that explained that their grandfather, when he was their age, may have build the same model that they would be building today. They put their name and age on the sheet and were helped to select a model that fit their age and the time they had to build. We had 15 builders who made 16 models. I had 20 kits made up. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Note that there was no shortage of girls. My wife Lynne made keychains that said “Go nuts With Erector” and everyone who completed a model received one as a souvenir.

Kirkwood Public Library, Kirkwood, Missouri, 2010

Bob O’Neill writes: As a result of the newspaper article about the 2010 National Convention, I was contacted by my local library and was asked to do a Saturday afternoon program on A.C. Gilbert and his development of science toys. I found it a little scary at first but well worth it. These are pictures at the Kirkwood Public Library were I gave about an hour and a half talk to six kids and their families on the history of Erector, and had a hands on session building basic girders and then letting them loose with a box of parts. The kids and their families had a good time and gave me some good comments. I will use the comments to build upon the program. I hope to do one with the modern Erector/Meccano kits in the spring. Several of the kids have them.

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