Bruce Hansen’s Cape Canaveral Models

Bruce Hansen writes: Gilbert changed the name of the #7 1/2 set from the Action Conveyor Set to the Cape Canaveral set in 1962. They also added two models on separate instruction sheets and on the box top. The first is a Cherry Picker. The basket over the driver’s seat moves up/down in this model. The up/down movement of the arm is done with a cam setup on the motor which bears against the bottom arm. The basket cycles from its highest to lowest positions in about 5 seconds.

The other Cape Canaveral new model was the Rocket Gantry Tower. The model instructions encouraged the builder to make a rocket out of cardboard tubes, I used a series of T boilers. The gantry moves back and forth on a track. There is a crank at the base to raise/lower an elevator made from (2) MC base plates.

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